The Certificate of Recognition, otherwise known as COR®, is a prestigious program in British Columbia that acknowledges the prioritization of safety in business operations. In 2023 we were proud to achieve COR certification, but what does that mean to us and our customers? For starters, whether the project is big or small, we treat them all with the same high duty of care, and this article will explore how COR® contributes. 

Working with a business adhering to COR® standards means safety is paramount to everything we do. Not only have we constructed thousands of fences and gates, but we have also built a system of safety protocols and accountability. In construction especially, safety is everyone’s business. From the bottom to the top of our organization, everyone in our team follows the same documentation procedures and safety checks, from the shop to the field. A living entity like the rest of our business, our safety systems and standards are ever-evolving to meet and exceed regulations in this technologically driven industry. 

While we can say we follow protocol, our word alone is not enough for safe operations. 3rd –party audits, on top of our own internal ones, ensure that there’s no negligence nor a weak point in our safety structure. With a focus on continuous improvement, we strive to grow more each time you see us. COR has helped us raise the minimum standard in our company for growth and wellbeing. Led by Alex our Safety Officer, many of our staff are part of our Safety Committee and are certified in a myriad of disciplines, from safety management to first aid. Our certification has opened up more opportunities for us to install fence, including both government and commercial clients. More importantly, it empowers us to conduct our work safely for the well-being of ourselves, each other, and society at large. 

Want to see if our certifications are up to your project’s standards? Give us a call and we’d be happy to share any relevant paperwork. 

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